Zahra Nima talks about how she came to shi’ism:
My name is Zahra from one of the regions of Canada(Whitefish River Fist Nation).
I was a Chiristian and went to a Chotolic school.I was celebrating Chirstmas and cleaning the house and waiting for Jesus Christ to appear. I had to go to Church with my grandfather,but some times I didn’t like to attend Church because some of the ideas of the Church were ridiculous to me and I didn’t like them. Church officials abused people physically,imotionally and sexually, and sometimes government officials apologized for Church abuses!
When I attended in Chiristian ceremony I always had questions which weren’t answered convincingly;
Why shouldn’t priests marry?
How can Jesus be the son of God? And I always considered him the prophet of God. When I saw that Islam says that Jesus was the prophet of God, I was happy and said that Uslam tell the truth. I fell in love with Islam at the age of 18. I became one of the lovers of Hazrat Muhammad(peace be upon him) and Hazrat Zahra(peace be upon her). And a year later I became a Muslim. Hejab wasn’t difficult for me because my grandmother wore scarf:)
But people’s reactions were hard for me because they mocked me and called me crazy and told me :《 Get on your camel and go back to your country.》
I knew that people’s reactions were due to ignorance, so I tolerated them. When people found out that I am from this country, they were speechless. I answered their jokes well and endured hardships for God. When I remembered the hardships of the Holy prophet and the insults they had used against him and had called him crazy, I could bear the hardships more easily. I got acquainted with the Holy Qur’an and in mu opinion, the Holy Qur’an is the best gift to human kind. Little by little, I learned to pray and fast and adhere to them. Hazrat Zahra(peace be upon her) is one of the four chosen woman of the world. Her life is my inspiration throughout my life. Her simple life, enduring her hardships in the path of religion, helping the poor, raising exemplary children,etc.
Another person who inspired me in life is Hazrat Zainab( peace be upon her). I remember when I went to visit her shrine, I kept praying that you ( Hazrat Zainab) would give me patience and I didn’t know what the reason was. When I came back to Canada, I list my sister. After some time my uncle passed away and shortly after that I lost my son Ali.
It was then that I understood the reason behind all those please for patience from Hzrat Zainab( peace be upon her). If Hazrat Zainab( peace be upon her) hadn’t given me patience, it wouldn’t be possible for me to continue my life. I used to relieve my self with the Yasin pilgrimage and prayer of Tawasl. My son Hussien also passed away seven years later, exactly on the same day which my son Ali passed away. My son Ali used to recite the Ashura pilgrimage a lot and finally he passed away during the Fatimid period. I believe that he was one of the lovers of Ahl al-Bayt of prophet(peace be upon him). I visited Hazrat Reza(peace be upon him) shrine twice; The first time was 2004. The comfort I received from Hazrat Reza(peace be upon him) made me able to bear the heat of my loved ones more easily. 《Praise be to God , Lord of the world》